13 fitness was founded in 2017 after working for the nhs and ipswich town football club.
our aim is to create evidence based nutrition and workout plans for clients along with providing outdoor fitness classes to the local community. we want to inspire you to eat better, get fitter and improve your overall wellbeing.
Personal Trainer
School Assessor
Mens Football Team 2013
After completing the Fat Loss Programme, we encouraged men to form a Football Team to aid their new healthy lifestyle approach.
We trained, we played and had a great laugh during our 1st game of season. 1-0!
Weight Management 2014 - 2016
13 Fitness UK delivered weekly Education & Get Fit classes to ensure clients felt empowered and in control of their journey.
This picture highlights impressive results from our Gainsborough Sports Centre group!
13 Fitness UK delivered health and fitness services to over 2000 clients in Suffolk.
We encouraged men to lead a healthy lifestyle whilst attending group bases sessios at Ipswich Town Football Club.